3. The Letter

Three weeks had passed since that late-night encounter with Ekaksh, and life had returned to its usual rhythm. As an actress, my days are filled with rehearsals, meetings, and the occasional red carpet event. 

And in these three weeks, he has quite improved. We do talk comfortably. Sometimes. We even address each other by our names. Rarely.

But today was different. Today, I had a photoshoot scheduled, and as I stepped into the dressing room, I was greeted by an array of sponsored clothes.

"Wow, they've really outdone themselves this time." I whispered to myself, being amazed by the management’s work. 

The racks were filled with designer dresses, each more exquisite than the last. It was like stepping into a fashion fairytale, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of trying them all on.

As I sifted through the garments, my mind buzzed with anticipation. Each outfit held the promise of transformation, better than the previous ones.

Which one should I wear first? The choices were overwhelming, but I finally settled on a sleek, silver gown that shimmered like liquid mercury under the harsh glare of the dressing room lights.

With the help of the stylists, I slipped into the dress, feeling its soft fabric mold to my curves like a second skin. As I twirled in front of the mirror, I felt a surge of confidence wash over me.

I sat on the chair for the makeup artists and hairstylists to do their job. My bodyguard, who has been working for me for 3 weeks now, was also present in the makeup room, eyeing over me like a hawk.

While they were doing my makeup and hair, I noticed his gaze on me in the reflection of the mirror. Despite all the commotion in the room, he didn't look away. 

I raised my eyebrows at him, through the mirror, and I noticed he blinked his eyes a few times and looked away. 

As the stylists continued their work, I stole glances at his reflection whenever I could. There was a certain tenderness in his gaze that made a shiver run down my spine. 

And again as Ekaksh's eyes met mine in the mirror, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. I rarely see a smile on his face. And that dimple, I wish I could tell him how pretty his dimples are. 

Control yourself. He's just a bodyguard. Nothing in front of you and not even suitable to fit in the list of boys that are running behind you. 

After my makeup, I gazed at myself up and down in the mirror for a few minutes and after complimenting myself I went to him and asked “How am I looking?” All I could get was seriousness on his face. “Hmm?” “It's not my job to compliment you.” 

I should have punched him in the face that day. One moment he is all sweet and caring, and the other moment all arrogant and cold. 

Soon the shoot began and I gave my best shots. After completing my solo photo shoot, it was time for the couple shoot with a male artist. 

As I stood on set, the bright lights cast a warm glow around us.

I don't know why I was nervous. I have done many couple shoots, and I never felt nervous. But why all of a sudden? Maybe it is because I am doing a couple shoot after a very long time. Or maybe, this is because of a guy who is  watching me all the time. 

“Hi there, it's Lavanya. You may know me.” I greeted the male artist with a friendly smile, hoping to ease any tension and look confident. I forwarded my hand for a handshake and he shook it, but it felt weird. He wasn't leaving my hand, still I jerked it and freed from his grip. 

"Hey, I'm Rohan. Nice to meet you. And who doesn't know you?" His voice was  not so friendly. He winked at me. I awkwardly smiled as we exchanged pleasantries. 

"So, what's the plan for this shoot?" I turned to Rohan to hear his thoughts. "I was thinking we could start with some playful shots to capture the chemistry between us." I raised my eyebrows at him. 

Chemistry? between us? It's for the photoshoot or I really would have told you the real chemistry you wished for between us.

The camera began to click and flash and I lost myself in the rhythm of the shoot. 

And as I forcefully laughed at his lame jokes between takes, I could feel a gaze on me. I looked at Ekaksh and he was looking at me intently. Well this is his job. To look at my beautiful face.

But still, the fuck is wrong with this dude? Don't tell me he is jealous or something. Well, I shouldn't care. 

After a few more takes, we paused our work to take a break. I went to Mr Bodyguard and asked “Can you bring me coffee?” “Well, that’s not a part of my job.” He replied without even looking at me. 

“Can’t you do it?” I asked him politely. He shook his head. “Do it or I’ll make your job harder.” I said, earning a glare from him. And as soon as he looked at me, I welcomed him with a sheepish smile on my face. 

“Fine.” He went outside to bring my orders. “Bring some snacks too.” I shouted from behind. Did he hear it or not? Anyway… let’s see. 

Even after 25 minutes, he wasn’t back yet. What is he doing? Building his own coffee shop? Just then he came back with my coffee and snacks in his hand, making me smile with happiness. 

“Thank You.” He heard it when I shouted. Suddenly a staff member came running to me and asked while panting “Have you seen Rohit, Miss Lavanya?”  I shook my head as no and he continued, “He is missing-” 

“What? He is missing?” How did he even go missing? Is he a two year old that he would go missing? “His phone is also switched off. We are checking in the neighborhood, he might be there.” The staff said and left. 

“Yeah he might be outside for some fresh air.” I whispered to myself. “Yes, you know a lot about him.” Ekaksh said who was standing behind me, in a mocking voice. 

I looked in his direction and he looked away. “Yes, I do.” I passed him a forceful smile and he replied with multiple small nods, not breaking our eye contact.

The staff tried to find him everywhere but he wasn't found. At the end they had to postpone the left shoot. 

Opening the door to my apartment, I felt tired after a long day. But as I stepped inside, I froze. My heart sank at the sight that greeted me.

Feathers were everywhere, like a messy snowstorm had hit my living room. Pillows were torn apart, their insides scattered across the floor.

"What... what happened here?" My voice was shaky as I took in the mess. It was like my cozy space had turned into a disaster zone. 

Then, I noticed Ekaksh standing beside me, his expression grave as he took in the scene."This isn't good, Lavanya. We need to be careful." 

His words only added to my sense of unease. If even my personal bodyguard was concerned, then the situation must be serious. But what the fuck was the security doing when this happened? 

And then, my eyes landed on the table, a letter sitting on the table, like a dark cloud hovering over the chaos. I picked it up, and my fingers started to tremble.

"Stay away from him, or there will be consequences."

The message hit me like a punch to the gut. Who did this? And whom does he mean by “him”? Fear gripped me as I realized someone had invaded my home and threatened me.

“But… What does this mean? Who would do something like this?” My voice cracked as I turned to look at him. Ekaksh's expression hardened, his eyes scanning the room with a sense of determination.

"This can't be real..." With a bodyguard by my side, I felt a sign of hope amidst the chaos. But as we stood there, a feeling hit me, the feeling of being watched, like a predator lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. 

I am feeling scared, but can't look vulnerable in front of him. I don't know who could be behind it, what they might do next or what is their intention. "We'll figure it out, Miss Lavanya. But for now, we need to stay vigilant." 

This world suddenly seems much darker and more dangerous than before. I am informing the CBI. I can't risk my precious life and die in a situation like this. I have to become a top actress in not just India but in the world. 

This is much scarier than before. That night, someone was following me. It was outside my house, but now I don’t even feel safe in my own house. 

After taking in the unsettling scene in my apartment, Ekaksh turned to me with a concerned expression. “Do you wanna go to my place… Only if you wish?" 

His question hung in the air. I hesitated for a moment, weighing my options before nodding in agreement. “Inform the management and report this scene to the crime prevention.” He nodded. 

There was a sense of relief in the decision, knowing that I would be away from the chaos and uncertainty of my own home, even if just for the night. “Not so much worrying, because whoever did this, I would kill him or her with my own hands.” I said, trying to be tough even though I wasn't. 

I closed my apartment again, and we went into the lift. At the reception, he called the managers and  explained all the matter. “Let’s go now.” He said and we came outside. 

Even after leaving my apartment. Who was the person? And the main point is that how did he manage to go inside my apartment? Wait, Is it a ghost? That must be a ghost or who would have entered an apartment with this high security. 

Ekaksh was gone to bring the car from the parking lot, and there he was sitting in a black mercedes. Does he own it? 

Keeping these thoughts aside, I rushed to him. He circled the car and opened the door and then went to the driver’s seat. “What if-” I paused and he looked at me. He raised his eyebrows, signaling me to continue.

“What if it was a ghost?” I asked him and he sighed heavily. Did I ask something wrong? How can I be wrong? I can't be. 

“How can it be a ghost? Ghosts aren’t real.” His one hand was on the steering wheel and other on the gear. It is hot. He accelerated the car and I continued, “Yes, Ghosts are real.” 

“No, they aren’t.” His gaze was focused on the busy road. “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. “Wait, where are we going?” In the rush, I even forgot to ask for our destination. 

“To a safer place.” His gaze still focused on the road. I replied with several small nods and looked straight. “Is this your car?” I was looking at the beautiful view outside the window.

I can’t deny that the atmosphere in this area is beautiful. “What do you think?” I heard his reply after a minute. I thought he ignored me. 

“I don’t know.” I waited for his reply, but this time he really ignored me. I guess I should focus on the view. As we drove to the place, I started feeling really tired. 

The car's gentle movement and the soft sound of the engine made me want to close my eyes and rest. And I don’t know when I drifted to sleep.

When I woke up, I found myself in a really nice room. I rubbed my eyes to look at my surroundings properly. Sitting up, I looked around the room, It was dark yet cozy just like my apartment, and filled with pretty furniture.  

“Where am I?” I said to myself in a sleepy voice, being confused. Then I remembered everything that had happened – the mess in my apartment, the scary letter, and deciding to stay at a safer place. 

And now, I was waking up in this lovely room. 

“Good morning, Miss Shekhawat.” A voice came, and I looked in the direction. Even though I knew it was his voice, I still checked and I saw him coming inside the room with breakfast and coffee in a tray. 

“Thanks Mr Ekaksh.” I said to him being grateful for all the things he did. He smiled. He SMILED. And again, I could see the prettiest dimples on his face. 

His dimples are like a drug to me. I don’t know how many times I see it, I feel attracted and want to see them again. 

“Well I have contacted the management and told them everything about yesterday.” He said to which I nodded. And now once again, yesterday’s accident was on my mind.

“Don’t think about yesterday.” Did he read my mind? “How do you know I was thinking about it?” I asked while raising my brows. “Your facial expressions told everything.” I nodded after realizing. 

“Well you can stay here for as long as you want.” He added. Wait, is this really his house? I looked around again and then looking at him, I asked “Is this your house?” 

He waited for a few seconds and then replied, “It is my friend’s house but you can say it is mine too.” I made an ‘Oo’ face and nodded. 

Suddenly a notification popped up on my phone which was placed beside me on the bed. I picked up to check the message, and the notification took my sleep away.

“Shit! I had to attend an event as a guest at a college at 11AM and now it's already 8:45. I can't miss this. I am the main guest there. Our team has prepared a lot for this.” I panicked. “Chill, it’s not even 9.” He is calm. No, he shouldn’t be. 

Wait, why didn’t my manager inform me about the event? And then I checked my messages and there were tons of messages from her. “What should I do now? I am not even at my own place.” I put my palm on my face.

“Trust me. You won’t get late.” I looked at him with a confused face. “Eat this, till then I'll arrange everything for you.” He said giving me the breakfast tray. 

Saying this, he went outside the room. I got up from bed and explored the room. It was quite big and looked really peaceful. More than my own apartment. I guess it’s time for a makeover for my apartment. 

I will do that when I go back. I went to the balcony and tried to enjoy my coffee there. I came back and ate the breakfast he brought for me.

Just then Ekaksh came again. “You can take a shower here.” He said pointing towards the bathroom. I nodded and asked, “but what about the-” He didn’t let me complete the sentence and replied, “All your products are inside the bathroom.” 

“Okay.” I said and went inside the bathroom to take a shower. It was quite big too for a single person and looked decent. 

Soon, I slid inside the shower and there were all the products of the brand I use. How does he know about the brand and product I use? Is he keeping an eye on me or the little things about me? This scares me more than the previous night shit.

Stepping out of the shower, I saw a bathrobe hanging. 

I came out of the bathroom in the bathrobe, I saw a dress lying on the bed. I walked towards it and took it in my hands. It's beautiful. 

Suddenly the door opened and I literally jumped because of the sudden act. I looked at the door and he was standing there. I quickly turned around, “You shouldn't come inside a woman's room before knocking. It is good that I was in a bathrobe.” 

“Sorry Miss Shekhawat” This was all I could hear before hearing the sound of the door closing. I sighed deeply and wore the dress. 

After wearing the dress, I again went inside the bathroom to check myself in the mirror. And I was surprised by the things I saw there on the counter. How I didn't see it after coming out of the shower. There were make-up products? 

Was there a girl living here before me? Or maybe this is for me? 

I checked the time and it was 9:30 AM. Thank God, I won’t be late. 

I started doing my makeup and while trying to bring a chair, I slipped and my legs gave up on me. They sprained. Now, I can’t even bring a chair here. I looked around to check if there was anyone present in the room, but no one was there. 

And now here I am, perching on the bathroom counter, casually sitting on it and doing my makeup while my calves touch my thighs, not even caring if someone saw me like this. Still It’s a better position than standing. Definitely more relaxing. My pretty legs can finally get some rest.  

Suddenly I heard a loud knocking noise outside the bathroom. 

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