The Event


There was a loud noise outside the bathroom. I quickly jumped from the counter, put the makeup product on it and ran to open the door. 

As soon as I opened it, I was met with a surprising sight. The room’s window was wide open, and the curtains were billowing wildly.

A strong gust of wind had blown in, knocking over a decorative vase from a nearby table. The vase lay shattered on the floor, pieces scattered across the room. 

I hurried to the window and struggled to close it against the force of the wind. Finally managing to latch it shut, I turned my attention back to the mess on the floor.

“What happened?” Ekaksh shouted as he barged into the room, his voice concerning. “The window was open and the strong wind knocked over the vase.” I said, as I bent down to pick the broken pieces of the vase.

He quickly came close to me and held my hand, “Don’t do this, the workers will clean it.” I nodded as he made me stand up. 

Looking outside the window, I noticed that there was really strong wind blowing outside. I don’t know why but it made me feel something weird in my gut. 

“Are you even a bodyguard?” I asked while looking outside the window. “What?” He asked in confusion.

“No bodyguard lets their client sleep at their friend’s house. No bodyguard talks with their client the way you talk with me.” I said, to which his expressions didn’t even change a bit. “As well as, I don’t think any client would have ever been dependent on their bodyguard this much.” I said with a dry chuckle.

“I don’t know about this.” He said. “What do you mean?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “You are my first client. I have never worked for anybody.” He answered and I made an Oo face.

“I don’t know why, but I am feeling weird about today, like something bad is going to happen.” I explained and walked towards the bathroom to give the final touch-up to my makeup. 

I came back after a few minutes, and he was standing there, waiting for me. “You ready?” He asked and I nodded. 

Glancing at myself in the mirror for the last time, I followed him to the exit. I checked the time and it was 10 AM. I sighed in relief and sat into the car. 

He sat in the front seat, and the driver accelerated the car. It has been a while since I attended a college event, and I want to make a good impression here. I pray that nothing bad happens today and my gut feeling is proved wrong.

The college was only a short drive away from where I was staying. I was panicking for no reason. We reached there and I was warmly welcomed by the faculty. 

The campus was beautiful, the historic buildings, and the well-maintained gardens were like a cherry on top.

I was guided by the students to the room where I have to stay for sometime and he followed me. It was a beautiful room, with light peach aesthetics. 

They went outside and left me alone with this bodyguard. I don’t know why, I am not getting a good vibe from him today. I am not even comfortable to sit with him in the same room alone.

I got an idea, “I am going to use the restroom,” I said as I ran out of the room. I sighed with relief and entered the restroom after asking some of the people present around our room. 

“Lookin’ pretty,” Complimenting myself has become my daily routine. “Looks like someone is obsessed with herself.” I whispered to myself, after confirming that no one was present inside. 

I was about to step out of the washroom, when my phone started ringing. I looked at the number, and it was my father. 

I know he is calling me because I ignored mom’s phone calls as she has been trying my number since morning. 

I mentally prepared myself before picking up the call, “Hello?” I answered. 

“Where are you?” My father shouted from the other side of the phone call. No Hi or hello? 

“At an event.” I replied, trying to be as calm as possible. 

“What happened to your apartment? Why are their police involved?” He asked, no, he shouted again, not knowing the full matter. 

“I-” I was cut off by him, “You never leave any opportunity to defame us, don’t you?” His mouth spit venom. 

“At least let me exp-”

“It would have been better if you had died in that accident instead of him. At least he wouldn’t be roaming around defaming our name.” This was the last line that could keep me calm.

If I say anything here, he would find every possible way to taunt me, and hurt me with his words. I simply cut the call, but he called again. 

So, I switched off my phone and sighed while looking at myself in the mirror. Why does he have to bring him in every conversation?

Tears formed in my eyes, but I controlled myself. You have to attend an event here Lavanya, control yourself. 

I stepped out of the bathroom, and was taken backstage. Ekaksh followed me as soon as he saw me. It was finally the time to go on stage. I breathed heavily trying to forget what just happened in the bathroom. 

The backstage area was a whirl of activity, dimly lit yet filled with a palpable sense of excitement. I stood before a large vanity mirror, applying a final touch of lipstick.

My reflection showed a poised and glamorous figure, but inside, my heart was racing. The hum of the audience beyond the curtain grew louder, a mix of eager students and faculty waiting for me.

Forget what just happened and forced on the event, Lavanya. I took a deep breath, smoothing the fabric of my dress. I looked at him and his eyes were focused on me. 

I raised my eyebrows and he blinked a few times before looking away. “I don’t think that a bodyguard should zone out. He should be attentive shouldn’t he?”

He didn’t say anything. His behavior has changed. Feels like he has become the Ekaksh he was when he first met me. 

A stagehand approached, signaling it was time. I nodded, my heart pounding with anticipation. As I walked towards the curtain, I could hear the emcee’s voice booming over the speakers.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the talented and beautiful, Lavanya!”

The curtain parted, and I stepped onto the stage, greeted by a wave of applause and cheers. The spotlight focused on me as I waved and smiled at the audience. 

Taking my place at the podium, I paused for a moment, letting the crowd’s energy settle.

“Thank you so much for that warm welcome. It’s truly an honor to be here with you all today...” I began, sharing stories of my journey in the entertainment industry, the challenges I faced, and the lessons I learned along the way.

Finally after completing my speech, I sat on the sofa that was placed for me and the interviewer. While the anchors were doing their job, I gazed upon all the crowd present there. 

Suddenly, I saw a face in the crowd, and everything from the past started flashing in front of me. The call from my father also echoed in my ears. 

“It would have been better if you had died in that accident instead of him. At least he wouldn’t be roaming around defaming our name.” 

Before I could process anything, my eyes met someone’s. He looked at me dead in the eyes. I was about to look away but I noticed him raising his hand. 

He had a gun. He is pointing it towards me? Funny!

I didn’t even look away. I stared back at him intently, My father’s words echoing in my ears. What might even happen? I will be dead? Well, that’s what my parents wish.

Atleast, one of their wishes will be fulfilled by me. 

As he was about to pull the trigger, I was pulled by someone. I felt a strong arm grab me and yank me down just as the deafening sound of a gunshot echoed through the area. 

The crowd erupted in chaos, screams filling the air. Ekaksh had tackled me, and we rolled across the floor, his body shielding mine from further harm.

"Stay down!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the pandemonium. He positioned himself between me and the direction of the gunman, his eyes scanning the crowd for any additional threats.

I could feel the cold floor beneath me, the roughness of the carpet scraping against my skin. My heart was pounding in my chest, adrenaline surging through my veins. 

I glanced up to see the gunman being subdued by security, the gun falling from his grasp.

“What were you even doing? Why didn’t you move when you saw that man pointing a gun at you?” he asked, his eyes scanning me for any injuries.

“Why do you even care? You are a bodyguard. Do your job. Don’t interfere in my fvcking life.” With that I got up and ran down the stage while security guided me through the stage. 

As the initial panic subsided, the police arrived, taking control of the scene. I was escorted to a safer area, surrounded by my team and security personnel. 

The reality of what had just happened began to sink in. I had come so close to losing everything, and all because of someone from my past.

"Do you know who that was?" one of the officers asked me once things had calmed down a bit.

I hesitated, the memory of my father's harsh words still fresh in my mind. "I'm not sure," I admitted. 

The officer nodded, jotting down notes. "We'll need a full statement from you later. For now, let's get you somewhere safe.” 

I noticed that Ekaksh was standing at a corner while being on his phone. He looked angry. Did he call his team or something?

I walked to him and he looked at me with no emotion on his face. “Are you alright?”

I nodded, my voice caught in my throat. “Yes, I’m fine.”

I put the bath tray on my bath tub. Placing a candle on the side, I dropped a bath bomb in the tub. 

Running around my room, I grabbed my Ipad and one of my books and a wine bottle with a glass. As I returned to the bathroom, the soothing scent of lavender filled the air, the bath bomb dissolving into a swirl of colors. 

The candlelight flickered softly, casting a warm glow around the room. I smiled, feeling the stress of the day melt away.

 I opened my bathrobe and it dropped on the ground while I settled in my bathtub. I took a sip from my wine and played my playlist on spotify on my ipad. 

I opened my book and turned to the page where I left off. The music created a gentle background hum, and I immersed myself in the story. I again took a sip and continued reading. 

Before I knew it, my eyelids grew heavy, the comfort of the bath lulling me into a state of drowsiness. I tried to fight it, wanting to read just a bit more, but the pull of sleep was too strong. 

My book slipped from my hands, landing softly on the bath tray. Sleep took over, and with it came the nightmares. 

Dark, shadowy images from that night swirled in my mind, haunting and relentless. Faces and voices I wanted to forget pressed in on me, a cacophony of fear and regret.

I feel like I am dreaming, or maybe living in the nightmare but can’t wake up. I tried to move my body but it feels like I am paralyzed. My body started sinking in the water but I couldn’t move.

Suddenly, a knock on the door jolted me awake. My heart raced, the  shadows of my nightmares still clinging to the edges of my consciousness. 

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself, as I heard the knock again, more insistent this time. “Are you inside?” I recognized the voice.

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